

What We’re Reading

by Amanda McKay | December 6, 2017

Book Recommendations

An easier question for me would be, “What am I NOT reading?” I usually have my Kindle with me, numerous books in my work tote, and a stack of books and magazines of varying genres (mostly writing, theological, historical, and self-help) towering precariously on my night stand.

What We’re Reading

by Amanda McKay | November 2, 2017

Book Recommendations

The most recent book that jumped off the new book table and into my bag was How Not to Kill Your Houseplant by Veronica Peerless. Now, I don’t know about you but I love collecting house plants, unfortunately for me, it doesn’t matter how hard I try they always die.

What We’re Reading

by Amanda McKay | September 1, 2017

Book Recommendations

September is National Library Card Sign Up month and the books highlighted chosen by Circulation Assistant, Carolyn Karns are some of the best reasons to visit the library soon! In “Bakers Secret” by Stephan Kiernan: Set in Normandy during World War II a German officer smells bread and demands a sample, he tells the young