Annual Fund

Annual Fund

Help us expand the Children’s Room. This expansion would add an additional 665 square feet of public space to the room by repurposing under-used space on the 2nd floor. We’ll be adding space for a larger storytime area that will double as a stage/interactive play space. We’ll add more shelves to support this important collection as well.

We are asking the community to help launch this fundraising campaign and create an enduring change to this space that will allow us to grow with the community.

Please consider a donation today.

Walking up to the Suzette Brumleve Children’s Room, you might hear the sounds of children laughing and playing or a chorus of “Sticky, Sticky Bubblegum” from our storytime. You’ll notice families gathered in cozy corners, sharing a picture book, and school-aged kids having a tutoring session. What you might also notice is the families spilling out the door, trying to find a nook of their own to share a story with their little one.

On an average day, we will see around 75 to 100 families. Each family is here for a different reason—looking for books for a school assignment, playing with our doll house, connecting with another parent, receiving services like tutoring or speech intervention, storytime or one of our many programs, or just a fun place to get out of the house and interact with other kids. Each family has their own story to tell of why the library has helped them build a brighter future, and we want to make sure that the Suzette Brumleve Children’s Room meets their needs.

We love hearing the sounds of children playing, adults reading to their little ones in quiet corners, and parents and kids connecting and finding community. Our favorite sentence from our littlest readers is “I never want to leave the library!” Help us continue to make this possible for all of our families by supporting the expansion of the Children’s Room. This expansion would add an additional 665 square feet of public space to the room by repurposing under-used space on the 2nd floor. We’ll be adding space for a larger storytime area that will double as a stage/interactive play space when not in use for storytime as well as more opportunities for families to connect with each other and our collection. We’ll add more shelves to support this important collection as well.

The total renovation is projected at $150,000. We are asking the community to help launch this fundraising campaign and secure this future for our kids and families. We want to create an enduring change to this space that will allow us to grow with the community.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Amanda McKay at 217-342-2464 or We look forward to hearing from you!