

Forget-Me-Not Spotlight:

by Margaret Daley | January 26, 2018

Forget Me Not

Top Resources from the Forget-Me-Not Collection by Shannon Nosbisch, founder of Effingham Area Alzheimer’s Awareness The Forget-Me-Not Resource Center at the Effingham Public Library has been up and running for over 2 years. During those two years, the following books and DVDs are the ones that have been checked out the most.

Make and Take: Paperclip Birds

by Margaret Daley | January 22, 2018


If you missed the January Adult Make-n-Take, but would like to make a bird of your own, check out the following steps to get started! These are the items used to make the bird pictured above, but not all of these items are required.

What We’re Reading

by Amanda McKay | January 8, 2018

Book Recommendations

Macci, our newest Marketing Coordinator, is going to share with you what she’s reading in the month of January. I was perusing hoopla’s selection of E-books and audiobooks and found “Hunter” by Mercedes Lackey a New York Times #1 Best Seller in the Young Adult E-Book Category.