EPL Book Sale - Friday, July 19th (9am-2pm) and Saturday, July 20th (9am-12pm)


Reorganization It’s Not so Scary

by Margaret Daley | October 9, 2018

Library Announcements

We’ve heard it before: as our communities change, libraries have to adapt to support their communities. But how do you do that? For Effingham Public Library, this meant developing a new organizational structure to grow and thrive. Join us as we share our journey – transforming a traditional ‘inward looking’ library staff into a staff that looks outward into the community. Learn how to prepare your library board and staff for the changes and challenges ahead while staying focused on the larger goal. Gain insights into common pitfalls that occur throughout a change-process and how to respond.

Click here to view Reorganization It’s Not So Scary the Illinois Library Association 2018 fall conference presentation led by Johnna Schultz, Assistant Director and Jed Arnold, User Experience Manager of the Effingham Public Library.