EPL Book Sale - Friday, July 19th (9am-2pm) and Saturday, July 20th (9am-12pm)

Outreach Opportunities

Outreach Opportunities

We offer a variety of ways to connect directly with our community. If you have an idea or suggestion, please reach out to Sara Rauch, Outreach Coordinator, to discuss any of the outreach opportunities listed below or a new idea.

Homebound Services: If you or a loved one are no longer able to get out of the house, our homebound service might be an option. We select books from our collection and deliver them to your home or assisted living facility once a month. You can print the application and reading interest form at home and mail them into the library.

Early Literacy Outreach: This special outreach is for our licensed in-home daycare providers. Each month, we’ll come to your daycare and provide an interactive storytime and we’ll also leave a kit that contains several books and a special item that you can use with your young charges.