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Crossroads of Education: Jacy Boatman

by Margaret Daley | October 9, 2020

Crossroads of Education

Jacy Boatman – Senior Effingham High School – In School Learning

Favorite Subject: Chemistry

When did you first become aware of the pandemic?

It was chemistry class and someone brought it up in class. They asked our teacher if she thought we were going to shut down and she said “No, we’re not going to shut down. We’re going to finish off the school year”  And then we shut down the next day and never came back.

Items that remind you of school or schooling during the pandemic?

A laptop and a notebook.

What do you miss most about life before the pandemic?

I miss being in volleyball season and not seeing my teammates and not having as much chemistry as we would because we haven’t been around each other as much and playing in tournaments.

Is there anything you like more about your life now?

I’ve lost a lot of weight. I got into working out a lot. I don’t think without the pandemic I would have started working out as hard as i do now.

What did you take for granted?

Two most annoying things?

All the restrictions. Some of the stores I used to go to are shut down. Some of my friends’ parents are strict about us not hanging out because they don’t want us getting sick.

Did you enjoy remote learning?

No, I didn’t enjoy it.i didn’t feel I got as much out of it as I would in person. I don’t hold stuff in my head as much as I do in the classroom. But it was easy to ask teachers questions and they were quick about responding.

What are you looking forward to this year at school?

Definitely seeing how things have changed.from last year to this year especially with it being my senior year. So I’m curious to see how they’re going to put everything together.

Which sports or school activities have you missed?

I didn’t get to have a softball season at all. So we didn’t get to play any games or even practice outside. Junior year is a big year for sports and recruiting so I probably missed out on a college softball career but I still have volleyball. 

What has been the biggest source of support from your school or teachers?

They’re just really helpful and they’re always willing to help us out more if we contact them.

Do you think you’ve changed?

I feel I have more motivation than I did before the pandemic. I think I’m getting out and doing more than before, I’ve had more time to do things like work out.

What did you notice about yourself as a student without the school structure and schedule?

I’ve always been on top of my school work so it didn’t really affect me as much. They would give us a week to get it done and I would always get it done early on in the week.so I don’t have to stress about it.

What new things are you going to take forward with you? Any new passions and hobbies?

New passion is fitness and eating healthy foods.

Have you changed in any way?

I’m more motivated now to have a college volleyball career so I’m working on that as much as I can.