EPL Book Sale - Friday, July 19th (9am-2pm) and Saturday, July 20th (9am-12pm)


Featured Artist: J.R. Caldwell

by Margaret Daley | December 8, 2020

Featured Artists

The Suzette Brumleve Memorial Effingham Public Library is pleased to showcase the artwork of local artist, J.R. Caldwell.

By the time I was 8 I was drawing Dick Tracy, Little Abner, and other comics from the funny pages: about 10 times larger than they were in the strips. My Dad realized that I could draw most anything I looked at. So my folks would get me drawing kits and sketch pads and eventually paints. I started in oil paints and went to acrylic when they came out.

I took the usual art in grade school and high school; even some adult classes during high school. I took art history and painting classes at Lakeland with Carrol Gibbons.

I did very little more until a few years ago when my wife, Linda, urged me to get back at it. Since then I’ve been a member of the EAG and enjoy showing my art at the different venues here in town.

I paint landscapes mostly but enjoy abstract painting as well.

For more information about the Art Gallery please contact Assistant Director Johnna Schultz at johnna@effinghamlibrary.org