EPL Book Sale - Friday, July 19th (9am-2pm) and Saturday, July 20th (9am-12pm)


Featured Artist: Liz Jackson

by Margaret Daley | January 16, 2020

Featured Artists

The Suzette Brumleve Memorial Effingham Public Library is pleased to showcase the art work of local artist, Liz Jackson.

Effingham native, Liz Jackson, has always been drawn to art.

As a child she found herself filling sketchbooks or buying cheap paints to use on any paper she could find.

A mostly self-taught artist, Liz finds inspiration in the beauty of nature and the moon.

Most recently, Liz has begun to create primarily digital art. She enjoys the opportunity to share art online and the ease of being able to experiment with her art in a clean and efficient way.

As Liz shared, “Digital art only requires a couple of tools and imagination – and even better – it’s available anytime and anywhere I might be.”

Liz Jackson’s artwork will be displayed in the Art Gallery until January 31, 2019

For more information about the Art Gallery please contact Assistant Director Johnna Schultz at johnna@effinghamlibrary.org