EPL Book Sale - Friday, July 19th (9am-2pm) and Saturday, July 20th (9am-12pm)


Featured Artist: Paula Boll

by Margaret Daley | June 14, 2019

Featured Artists

The Suzette Brumleve Memorial Effingham Public Library is pleased to showcase the artwork of local artist, Paula Boll.

Paula Boll fell in love with watercolors after taking a watercolor class at the University of Illinois. She enjoys seeing how the water and paint mix on paper. As Ms. Boll shared, “Sometimes there are surprises! At other times, the painting simply becomes a representation of the beauty of nature.”

An elementary and junior high teacher for 36 years, Ms. Boll has incorporated drawing into her teaching of social studies and science.

An avid traveler, Ms. Boll has also visited all 50 states and much of Europe and China. While visiting locations, she takes time to photograph nature and architecture. Traveling has enhanced her appreciation for everything in her surroundings.

Paula Boll’s artwork will be displayed in the Art Gallery until July 5, 2019

For more information about the Art Gallery please contact Assistant Director Johnna Schultz at johnna@effinghamlibrary.org