EPL Book Sale - Friday, July 19th (9am-2pm) and Saturday, July 20th (9am-12pm)


Featured Artist: Jennifer DeWeese

by Margaret Daley | March 7, 2019

Featured Artists

The Suzette Brumleve Memorial Effingham Public Library is pleased to showcase the artwork of local artist, Jennifer Deweese. 

Jennifer studied Graphic Design at Lake Land College and after graduating there, she got a Minor in Studio Art at Eastern Illinois University where she focused on 2D arts.

While Jennifer likes using a variety of mediums, currently her focus has been on creating small works and ink illustrations. Her idea is that a piece of art does not have to be huge to be dynamic or have impact. Much of her inspiration is drawn from nature and books, but she also loves to do small portraits of people. Because of her job as a graphic designer, a lot of her art is reflective of a graphic style.

Most of what Jennifer creates is done so simply for the pleasure of creating it; not all art has to have a deeper meaning, so she draws things that she likes simply because she likes them. The illustrations she will have on display reflect that, with ideas and inspiration that come from books she likes and things in nature that she enjoys.

Jennifer’s work will be showcased until March 29, 2019. 

For more information about the Art Gallery please contact Assistant Director Johnna Schultz at johnna@effinghamlibrary.org