EPL Book Sale - Friday, July 19th (9am-2pm) and Saturday, July 20th (9am-12pm)


Featured Artist: Heather Chism

by Margaret Daley | August 16, 2017

Featured Artists

In the Art Gallery, this month is Heather Chism. Heather shared with us a little bit about herself and her artwork. Be sure to drop into the library to see all the pieces on display.

“I am a mixed media artist living and working in rural central Illinois; a painter and clay squisher who loves exploring color and texture, and discovering new ways to play with them. I have always been a creative in my adult life, but didn’t discover my love for painting and sculpting until recent years. I found I had a need to express myself in a way that words alone could not. Fascinated with texture, I love seeing the evidence of the artist in paint strokes, mark making, and fingerprints in artwork. I love to explore and discover, to try out new things, to figure out how things work and why they work that way… A ‘why’ child to the very core.

In a sense, all of my art is a reflection of me. I am constantly exploring internally to discover the “why” of me. All of my art is born from that exploration. My exploring winds through themes of strength, vulnerability, bravery, quirkiness, hope, joy, love… I work quickly and intuitively, often letting the piece guide me to its final form. My emotions and memories drive the direction of each piece. I have a deep yearning to share my journey and to connect with others in order to encourage, strengthen and show them that they are not alone.”

Heather’s work can be found locally at the Artisan Depot in downtown Effingham, and she can be found online at www.HeatherChism.com. For information about the availability of the work at the gallery, please contact Heather at sparrowsjourney@gmail.com.

For more information about the Art Gallery, or to learn how you can display your art or photography at the library, please contact Andrew Dougherty, Evening Support Specialist, andrew@effinghamlibrary.org